Simulator Fast Buy / Sell (POST)

Simulator Fast Buy / Sell

This API is used to create multi-chain fast buy and sell tasks in simulator


Header: X-API-KEY

(Please do not disclose your API Key to anyone. If you are at risk of losing it, please refresh it.)


  1. X-API-KEY can be obtained in your "Dashboard", go to check: Dashboard

  2. In the paging type interface, use the next field in the return value as the query parameter for the next page (if next == null, it means that paging has ended)

Request Example

	"chain": "solana",
	"pair": "BAS6Cv5qG2FnEQ8W1wXKGfU2r6MFAiSdgGgkUM7NsStE",
	"walletId": "",
	"type": "buy",
	"amountOrPercent": 0.1,
	"stopEarnPercent": 0.5,
	"stopLossPercent": 0.5,
	"stopEarnGroup": [
			"pricePercent": 0.2,
			"amountPercent": 0.5
			"pricePercent": 0.8,
			"amountPercent": 1
	"stopLossGroup": [
			"pricePercent": 0.2,
			"amountPercent": 0.5
			"pricePercent": 0.8,
			"amountPercent": 1
	"priorityFee": "",
	"gasFeeDelta": 5,
	"maxFeePerGas": 100,
	"slippage": 0.1

Request Response

	"err": false,
	"res": {
		"id": "lus8bfug0040i2"
	"docs": ""

Request Parameters

  • chain: Blockchain (solana/ethereum/base/bsc/tron)

  • pair: Address of the token or pair to be bought/sold

  • walletId: The simulator's walletId defaults to ""

  • type: Trade type, with values of buy and sell

  • amountOrPercent: When trade type is buy, fill in the buy amount (ETH/SOL/BNB/TRX), when tradeType is sell, fill in the sell ratio (0-1)

  • stopEarnPercent: Take Profit ratio, 0.5 means sell when 50% up

  • stopLossPercent: Stop Loss ratio (0.00-1.00), 0.5 means sell when 50% down

  • stopEarnGroup: Take profit group, available when the type of fast buy / sell is "buy", and in the sell setting of the copy trading, up to 6 supported, stopEarnGroup / stopLossGroup and stopEarnPercent / stopLossPercent only need to enter one

  • stopLossGroup: Stop loss group, available when the type of fast buy / sell is "buy", and in the sell setting of the copy trading, up to 6 supported, stopEarnGroup / stopLossGroup and stopEarnPercent / stopLossPercent only need to enter one

  • pricePercent: Price percentage (0.5 means 50%), when in the take profit group, it means how much up to sell, when in the stop loss group, it means how much down to sell, when in the trailing stop group, it means the retrace ratio (can't be greater than or equal to 1)

  • amountPercent: Sell Ratio (0-1, 0.5 means 50%), e.g. up 100% sell 50%, up 200% sell all, sell ratio needs to be set to 0.5 and 1, not 0.5 and 0.5

  • priorityFee: Priority Fee (SOL), valid for Solana, empty string means use auto priority fee

  • gasFeeDelta: Extra added gas (Gwei), valid for EVM

  • maxFeePerGas: When the base gas exceeds this value, no transaction will execute (Gwei), valid for EVM chains

  • slippage: MAX slippage tolerance (0.00-1.00)

Last updated