Fast Buy/Sell (POST)

Fast Buy / Sell

This API is used to create multi-chain fast buy and sell tasks


Header: X-API-KEY

(Please do not disclose your API Key to anyone. If you are at risk of losing it, please refresh it.)


  1. X-API-KEY can be obtained in your "Dashboard", go to check: Dashboard

  2. In the paging type interface, use the next field in the return value as the query parameter for the next page (if next == null, it means that paging has ended)

Request Example

	"chain": "solana",
	"pair": "BAS6Cv5qG2FnEQ8W1wXKGfU2r6MFAiSdgGgkUM7NsStE",
	"walletId": "lus8auwp003zvg",
	"type": "buy",
	"priorityFee": "",
	"gasFeeDelta": 5,
	"maxFeePerGas": 100,
	"jitoEnabled": true,
	"jitoTip": 0.001,
	"maxSlippage": 0.1,
	"concurrentNodes": 2,
	"retries": 1,
	"amountOrPercent": 0.1,
	"migrateSellPercent": 1,
	"minDevSellPercent": 0.5,
	"devSellPercent": 1,
	"stopEarnPercent": 0.5,
	"stopLossPercent": 0.5,
	"stopEarnGroup": [
			"pricePercent": 0.2,
			"amountPercent": 0.5
			"pricePercent": 0.8,
			"amountPercent": 1
	"stopLossGroup": [
			"pricePercent": 0.2,
			"amountPercent": 0.5
			"pricePercent": 0.8,
			"amountPercent": 1
	"trailingStopGroup": [
			"pricePercent": 0.2,
			"amountPercent": 1
	"pnlOrderExpireDelta": 86400000,
	"pnlOrderExpireExecute": false,
	"pnlCustomConfigEnabled": true,
	"pnlCustomConfig": {
		"priorityFee": "",
		"gasFeeDelta": 5,
		"maxFeePerGas": 100,
		"jitoEnabled": true,
		"jitoTip": 0.001,
		"maxSlippage": 0.1,
		"concurrentNodes": 2,
		"retries": 1

Request Response

	"err": false,
	"res": {
		"id": "lus8bfug0040i2"
	"docs": ""

Request Parameters

  • chain: Blockchain (solana/ethereum/base/bsc/tron)

  • pair: Address of the token or pair to be bought/sold

  • walletId: The id of the wallet to be used

  • type: Trade type, with values of buy and sell

  • priorityFee: Priority Fee (SOL), valid for Solana, empty string means use auto priority fee

  • gasFeeDelta: Extra added gas (Gwei), valid for EVM

  • maxFeePerGas: When the base gas exceeds this value, no transaction will execute (Gwei), valid for EVM chains

  • jitoEnabled: "true" means enable anti-MEV mode (Solana & Ethereum)

  • jitoTip: Bribery tip used by Anti-MEV (Solana)

  • maxSlippage: MAX slippage tolerance (0.00-1.00)

  • concurrentNodes: Number of concurrent nodes (1-3)

  • retries: Number of retries after failure (0-10)

  • amountOrPercent: When trade type is buy, fill in the buy amount (ETH/SOL/BNB/TRX), when tradeType is sell, fill in the sell ratio (0-1)

  • migrateSellPercent: Raydium sell ratio (0.00-1.00), valid for Pump tokens, 0 means no auto-sell

  • minDevSellPercent: Trigger ratio (0-1), sell your tokens when Dev sells over this ratio

  • devSellPercent: The ratio of your token to be sold when the Dev sell task is triggered, 0 means don't create Dev sell task

  • stopEarnPercent: Take Profit ratio, 0.5 means sell when 50% up

  • stopLossPercent: Stop Loss ratio (0.00-1.00), 0.5 means sell when 50% down

  • stopEarnGroup: Take profit group, available when the type of fast buy / sell is "buy", and in the sell setting of the copy trading, up to 6 supported, stopEarnGroup / stopLossGroup and stopEarnPercent / stopLossPercent only need to enter one

  • stopLossGroup: Stop loss group, available when the type of fast buy / sell is "buy", and in the sell setting of the copy trading, up to 6 supported, stopEarnGroup / stopLossGroup and stopEarnPercent / stopLossPercent only need to enter one

  • trailingStopGroup: Trailing stop group, available when the type of fast buy / sell is "buy", currently only supports setting 1 group

  • pricePercent: Price percentage (0.5 means 50%), when in the take profit group, it means how much up to sell, when in the stop loss group, it means how much down to sell

  • amountPercent: Sell Ratio (0-1, 0.5 means 50%), e.g. up 100% sell 50%, up 200% sell all, sell ratio needs to be set to 0.5 and 1, not 0.5 and 0.5

  • pnlOrderExpireDelta: The expiry time for take profit/stop loss tasks, max 864000000 (ms)

  • pnlOrderExpireExecute: "true" means that if the take profit / stop loss task is not triggered within the validity period, it will be automatically executed at the end of the task

  • pnlCustomConfigEnabled: “true” means that the customized parameters will be used to create take profit and stop loss tasks, otherwise the buy parameters will be used

  • pnlCustomConfig: Customized take profit and stop loss parameters

Last updated